
45cm (l) x 30cm(w) x 88cm(h)
大漆 Lacquer

本尊自在觀音像,法相溫婉慈祥。頂上盤高髻,供化佛,面相寬大飽滿, 額頭廣平,眼眸微合。菩薩身軀挺拔,身著天衣綢裙,衣裾線條猶如浪花 輕柔卷岸。右手施說法印,左手自然放置於腿上,右臂帔帛繞拂。觀音左 腿橫盤,右腿垂著地之遊戲坐姿,整尊造像沉靜祥和,盡顯觀音菩薩慈憫眾生之佛性。

This sculpture presents an image of gentle and amiable Avalokitesvara who has an updo hairstyle, a flat forehead, an upright body, and slightly-closed eyes, with a mini statue of Amitabha on head. He wears a silk dress with wave-like gentle hems. His right hand is in the mudra of teaching, and the left one places on his shank, with his right arm wrapped by a shawl. His left leg is crossed and his right one is vertical to the ground, which is known as the semi-lotus posture. The entire sculpture is in a state of ultimate calmness and peacefulness, telling the Buddhist nature of Avalokitesvara, namely great mercy for all living creatures.